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The Broken Beauty series offers 5 stages of emotions in the grieving process of feeling broken. Broken Beauty Blue reflects the darkest times in the journey to healing. Available in 3 sizes.

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Broken Beauty Red/Gold is the third in the series reflecting the beginning of anger turning to acceptance of a loss in the journey to healing. The Broken Beauty series offers 5 stages of emotions in the grieving process of feeling broken. Posters available in 3 sizes, ready to hang or frame.

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Broken Beauty Gold is the fifth in the series reflecting the acceptance and looking forward with hope after a loss in the journey to healing. The Broken Beauty series offers 5 stages of emotions in the grieving process of feeling broken. Posters available in 3 sizes, ready to hang or frame.

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Jada Bland is a 15 year old artist who begins her ‘Broken Heart Art ‘ series with this watercolor original titled ‘Blown Away. It is available in our store in three sizes, ready to frame and hang.

Jada Bland is a 15 year old artist whose interpretation of Broken Heart Art is unique and heart wrenching. Her art is a reflection of the journey through heartbreak from the darkest places, Beginning with her watercolor ‘Blown Away’ through the ‘Broken Beauty series of emotions all the way to her ‘Against All Odds’ where the pieces come together to become whole again.


While the Broken Beauty series offered 5 stages of emotions in the grieving process of feeling broken, Against All Odds is the final and sixth of her first Broken Heart Art series posters reflecting the pieces of brokenness coming back together again. Hope and joy is expressed in the childlike return to a new normal after a loss in the journey to healing. Posters available in 3 sizes, ready to hang or frame.


Pictured at right, Flying Blind is the latest release by the artist Jada Bland. This artwork reflects the state of confusion felt when we are faced with situations where there is no clear and easy choice, thus we are are ‘Flying Blind’.


Broken Beauty Dark Red is the second in the series reflecting the anger of loss and rejection in the journey to healing. The Broken Beauty series offers 5 stages of emotions in the grieving process of feeling broken. Posters available in 3 sizes, ready to hang or frame.



Broken Beauty Orange is the fourth in the series reflecting the beginning of acceptance turning to hope after a loss in the journey to healing. The Broken Beauty series offers 5 stages of emotions in the grieving process of feeling broken. Posters available in 3 sizes, ready to hang or frame.

Jada Bland’s artwork is available in our store in multiple sizes; we offer mini posters that are 10 x 12 inches and the larger sizes of 18 x 24 inches and 24 x 24, all frameable. ‘Blown Away’ will be available in the original form, matted and ready for framing, in the near future. A collage of different sizes of posters make a beautiful gallery that reflects the emotional journey of ‘Broken is Beautiful! Visit our store to purchase. Visit our store now!

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